Drum kit is a popular starting point for people wanting to explore music through the rhythm of percussion instruments. Many students keep a focus on drums kit; others take on a wider range of percussion, such as the instruments found in orchestras and symphonic bands. We can help you with either of these pathways.
Rock, pop, funk, jazz and dance music are some places you’re most likely to hear a drum kit, also known as a drum set. It’s a collection of drums and cymbals, set up so that one person can play them. You could be that person!
As a drummer, you give rhythm to music, helping the whole band to play in time. You also add to the feel and excitement of music, using the many combinations of sound that a skilful player can create. You will need to develop a good understanding of music, so that you can make wise choices about what to play. Drums played badly can ruin music and stop a band in its tracks, but played well they give music its rhythmic foundation, colour, variety and excitement.
Drum kit is part of the family of Percussion instruments. Some drum kit students explore other members of that family, such as xylophone, glockenspiel, tambourine, djembe and timpani. This opens the possibility to play in an even broader range of musical groups.
What will I learn?
We will adjust the content and pace of lessons according to what you already know and what you need next. For beginners, early lessons focus on… holding the sticks correctly and making good quality drum and cymbal sounds; co-ordinating hands and feet; understanding rhythm; reading drum music; classic drum grooves for common music styles; playing in time with backing music. In due course, we begin to work on music from grade exam books, as we explore a range of musical styles, but there is no obligation to take exams.
Will I learn to read music?
Music for drums can be written down, just like other instruments. If you’re going to be a musician, then it makes sense to be able to read. The easist way is to learn reading at the same time as you learn to play. Be confident about this – it’s much easier than reading English, and I’m here to guide you! The ultimate goal is for you to be independent of me, so you can take on written music to play in a band or find out about a different drumming idea. There is a huge and growing literature out there of drum kit music. I want you to have access to that.
Won’t it be very noisy?
Yes, drums can be played loudly. But there are things you can do to help considerably. Many students use an electronic drum kit, which has a volume control, and you can play through headphones. You can greatly reduce acoustic drum kit volume by using damper pads. See also the note on hearing protection on our safety page, here.
What do I need?
You should ideally have a drum kit to practice on, though some students have lessons before buying an instrument. The time to get a drum kit is when you are sure that you’ll take your drumming seriously and can get value from having it. At this point, a kit will greatly enhance your enjoyment and your progress.
Contact us now to find out more about learning Drums or Percussion.